חינוך וקהילה

חיזוק תחושת השייכות של הקהילות באזור לנחלים ולשטחים הפתוחים
בין פעילויות המחלקה:
פעילות לקידום הנחלים והשטחים הפתוחים וחיזוק הזיקה של קהלי יעד אליהם: חינוך פורמלי, בלתי פורמלי, גיל שלישי, קהילות ועוד
מתן מענה למגוון קבוצות עניין בשטחי הרשות בתחומי הליבה שלנו (חקלאים, דייגים, מדריכים)
קידום תוכנית האב לשיקום נהר הירדן הדרומי
העלאת המודעות לשמירת הנחלים והסביבה בחברה הערבית דרך שיתוף הציבור ותחושת השייכות של הקהילה אל הנחל

בין הפרויקטים:
סיירת מתנ"ס נווה הנחל בבית שאן >>
שגרירי הנחל של בית הספר אופקים בעמק יזרעאל>>
שומרי הנחל של בית הספר כדורי בכפר תבור >>
חורשת בית יוסף בעמק המעיינות>>
טיול "מעברים" בעמק המעיינות >>
ילדי שיבלי מאמצים את נחל השבעה>>
תלמידי טייבה שבגלבוע מאמצים את נחל יששכר>>
תלמידי בית הספר יובלים בעפולה, מטיילים לנחל הקיבוצים המונגש>>
תלמידי כפר כמא מתחברים למעיינות>>
ילדי עפולה מטיילים בנחל חרוד >>
ילדי כפר כמא ועמק המעיינות בפעילות בעין קאזאן>>
ילדי הגלבוע מתכננים ומאמצים את נחל חרוד>>
תלמידי בתי הספר מרומי שדה ונין מאמצים את נחל תבור>>
בני ובנות הנוער בעין מאהל מאמצים את האתר החדש של מעיינות שועין>>
ילדי מועצה אזורית גליל תחתון ושיבלי מאמצים יחד את נחל השבעה>>
כ-800 ילדי עמק המעיינות יצאו לטיול ט"ו בשביל>>
חדש על שביל עמק המעיינות: כיתת טבע ללמידה בשטח>>
נוער שדמות דבורה קיימו מבצע נטיעות במטמה המשוקמת>>
פרויקט קהילתי חדש לחיבור שכונת נווה הנחל בבית שאן אל נחל חרוד>>
עמק יזרעאל: מתחברים לנחל תבור ולשטחים הפתוחים>>
יום שיא לתוכנית שומרי הנחל במעיין אבו יאסר>>
מה עשה צוות ההפקה של ערוץ הילדים ניקלודיאון במחוזותינו?
לראשונה: מיזם משותף למשפחות לילדים עם צרכים מיוחדים
Welcome to our joint Community Streams Mosaic project
In this project you,
your family and your friends will create
mosaic slabs. Your artwork will be combined
with similar ones, made by kids, teens, and community members from Sovev
Kinneret region. These slabs will become spectacular signs that will be
placed alongside the lower Galilee streams, Ha'shiva stream & Kama stream –
in your fellow partnership region Sovev Kinneret.
These days when social distance has
become part of our lives and everyone is tucked away in their homes with no
ability to meet, the "Community Streams Mosaic" project kicks off and
helps us come together and create joint work that will emphasize our union as
partnership communities.
:More about the project
Community Stream Mosaic project was developed by the South Jordan Drainage and Streams Authority with
the mosaic artist Meirav Kershner as a part of P2G's (Partnership 2Gether) programs this year.
P2G is a program of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation, St. Paul Jewish Federation, and the Jewish Agency
for Israel, designed to cultivate people-to-people relationships, projects and professional programs between Milwaukee, St. Paul, and the fellow partner region, Sovev Kinneret, in the north of Israel.
The South Jordan Drainage and Streams Authority is an independent statutory authority that serves as the operational branch
of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Environmental Protection. The Drainage Authority is responsible for:
* Land preservation and overland flow
* Arrangement and maintenance of drainage infrastructure
* Restoration, preservation, rehabilitation
and development of sites and trails around the streams
* Strengthening inclusion among the communities
living around the streams and open areas
Read more to learn about the streams:
Tavor stream
Tavor stream is located in eastern Lower Galilee and it runs almost throughout the year. The stream's basin has in plenty of open spaces and little asphalt roads which makes it a desirable hiking destination.
Rainwater from the Nazareth Mountains and the Great Keshet forests which flows through the streams are collected like a funnel into the Tavor stream, joined by the water of the springs that runs along 20 miles – a microcosm of nature flowing into the Southern Jordan River and from there to the lowest place in the world – the Dead Sea.
The Tavor Stream Basin is home to a variety of communities and cultures, religions and heritage values, nature reserves, and a rich assortment of ecological treasures along its banks. Several freshwater springs are located along the streambed, a source of water for the stream itself and all types of agriculture.
Kama stream
The stream begins near the Circassian village of Kfar Kama, then runs south along the Lower Galilee areas until it spouts to Tavor stream, south to Kfar Kish. The stream follows four populations: Kfar Kama, Shadmot Dvora, Kfar Kish and the agriculture lands of Kfar Tavor. Kama stream runs through and connects rural settlements, fields, agricultural plantations, and natural areas. Along the stream you can find various attractions and a hiking path that connects them to one another: the H'amisha spring, Love Trees Grove, Omer park, Ein Sera, Ma'ale Kish, and the streams meeting point.

Ha'shiva stream & Keshet stream
They are two of the upper tributaries of Tavor stream. The streams begin around Kibbutz Beit Keshet and meet on a hill where Kadoori School resides. From this point the Shiva stream keeps running all the way down to the Bedouin village Shibli, and connects with the Tavor stream at the bottom of Tavor Mt.
On our project, paths will be built to connect Kfar Tavor and Kadoori to the restored part of the stream.
The mosaic slab you received will be part of a sign in Ha'shiva stream.

Are you ready? Let’s get to work!
Mosaic kit manual
What is in the kit?
* Painted work surface with mesh
* Broken ceramic parts
* Glue
* Wood sticks – for glue application
Before you get started … some important guidelines
~ The work is suitable for parents and children age 5 and up. (Please do not allow children to do the work on their own!!)
~ The more accurate the work, the better the result will look.
~ Try to work as clean as possible.
~ The tile parts sometimes have sharp corners – watch out while kids are working with it!
How to assemble?
On the surface you received there is a drawing in black line. You should fill the areas with mosaic pieces according to the color scheme mentioned in painting.
The parts should be glued at about 0.85 inch (2 mm) from each other.
Try not to cross the black contour line! Especially in the outer frame (for the frame choose parts with a straight line).
Spread the glue on the back of each part and place it on the board in the desired place.
Do not apply glue on the surface itself so you do not clog the net at intervals between the stones!
At the end of the process all these spaces will be filled with joint filler (by the mosaic artist).
Try to fit the pieces like a jigsaw puzzle without big spaces. If you have pliers available- you can use it to cut the parts and adjust them.
At the end of the process, allow it to dry for 24 hours and only then return it to the bag.
During the work process, it would be appreciated if you will take 2-3 photos and send them to Rashut.nikuz@gmail.com
When the opportunity arises, it would be great if you could come and visit our streams and enjoy the joint artwork you have helped create.
Thank you for your cooperation!
The project's team:
Shiri Firdman– Head of community & education department – South Jordan Drainage & Streams Authority
Tamar Shooval– educational programs manager – South Jordan Drainage & Streams Authority
Meirav Kreshner – artist, Mosaic Studio in the Lower Galilee
The Partnership 2Gether team:
Susie Rosengarten Partnership2Gether Coordinator, Milwaukee Jewish Federation
Stacy Dockman – Community Program Coordinator, St Paul Jewish Federation
Nofar Kuperstein, Acting Director Sovev Kinneret Partnership.